Hi, everyone, a brief post today because I am traveling this week and next.
First, of course, nice to know SCOTUS still operates like a judicial branch of the government! The very, very dangerous path of one judge substituting his opinion for decades of scientific research has been averted for now. Lifting up real stories of what it means for women to have their bodily autonomy stripped away from them is gaining traction. We need to stay on offense on the legal front. Let’s keep going!
Here are three things you can do today:
Support the distribution of the Plan C documentary. I saw this film at the Athena film festival a few weeks ago. It is an extraordinarily powerful look at the work of making abortion medication accessible to people wherever and whoever they are. It received amazing feedback on the film circuit at Sundance and SXSW. Alas, getting distributors has been a challenge (I won’t take up time here to dive into the hypocrisy of the corporations who all pledged their support last year, arrghh.)
The filmmakers have decided to distribute the film themselves – Brava! Here is the link to contribute to their Kickstarter campaign. They’re over halfway to their goal, please donate today if you can!
New York and California abortion teleheatlh shield laws. Both states are considering legislation to protect clinicians providing abortion support to women via telehealth. The laws are similar to one passed last year in MA to make sure clinicians, and their patients, are not at legal risk from banned states. This is an extension of in-state shield laws for abortion providers, and the future of how most abortion care will take place in our next chapter.
The amazing NY State Senator Shelley Mayer sponsored the bill in the Senate and it passed, but it’s stuck in the Assembly. Please urge the NY State Assembly to pass this law here: https://www.reproductiveaccess.org/get-involved/12-22-nys-legislator-letter/
If you are in CA, ask your state legislators should also be used to support similar legislation: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/california/california-bill-protect-doctors-mail-abortion-pills/3183268/
If you live in another state, please encourage your legislators to pass similar laws.
Broke uterus over SCOTUS. Sounds like a Broadway play! My friend, Nancy Baker Cahill, an amazing artist used digital technology to project a broken uterus over SCOTUS. How awesome is that! Please read and share this article. She’s doing this in state capitals as well, I’ll keep you posted on her progress.