Meet Charley the Chat Bot
Meet Charley the Chat Bot! Charley can talk to anyone online in English or Spanish about their options for accessing abortion services. Charley provides information on access to clinics or pill costs, travel, and logistics. Charley doesn't care where you live, the color of your skin, or whether you have money or insurance. And it provides information particular to where you live. The data is kept secure, and users aren't tracked, and their data isn't sold or shared.
Charley does not offer legal advice or advise anyone to break the law. Providing accurate information includes undoing the misinformation the anti’s are spreading. This includes cautioning people about fake crisis pregnancy centers that are in the business of misleading pregnant people.
Charley’s creators include Cecile Richards, the former CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Plan C, the M&A Hotline, I Need an Abortion, National Abortion Hotline.
Every Tuesday. Every, single Tuesday somewhere in the United States there are elections for the school board, town council, state senate, and U.S. Congress, and every single one of them matters for saving our democracy right now.
Here are two key elections this fall to save local abortion access:
Ohio: In my opinion, Ohio represents everything that has happened in abortion rights the last few years. The way that some states have used minority rule to make it nearly impossible way access health care and now the way that the majority of the state’s population are standing up and pushing back. The voters of Ohio saved majority rule on the ballot in August, and now we need to save abortion rights. It is disappointing but not surprising that the Ohio Supreme Court allowed ballot language describing the amendment to include phrases like "unborn child" instead of "fetus" and allowing abortion past the point of viability - which isn't true. They're going to keep trying to stop people from being fully informed and voting, but that's no excuse for giving up. Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights. This is a coalition of all the major abortion rights groups in the state working in concert to get out the vote in support of the amendment. Check out their website to see how you can help.
Virginia: In a really tight set of statewide races, Virginia, as always, is a bellwether test for how voters are feeling ahead of the national election in 2024. Virginia Dems hold a slim majority in the state Senate that has been holding the line against Republican restrictions. One of my favorite people in the fight for repro rights, Tarina Keene, leads Repro Rising Virginia, a great group to invest in on the ground.
Poll workers: No position is more important for enabling people to vote than poll workers. The hours are dreadful, the work can be tedious, but there is nothing more important to do right now, today, than show up to help other people vote. Hopefully, your county makes split shifts available to lessen the burden (which is something you can advocate for if they don't). Sign up to work at your local polls at Power the Polls
Let’s GO!